Bullying Suicide Statistics – Bullycide

Official numbers of bullying suicide statistics are difficult to determine because while many teens commit suicide each year, the reasons are often hard to know, or it may be many reasons. Keep reading to find out more about bullying suicide statistics, aka bullycide.

 When it comes to bullying suicide statistics or the total amount of bullycide incident each year, it difficult to tell. This is because teens often encounter a series of depression and anxiety symptoms that may lead to their suicide. However, there are some numbers where teens have reportedly written a suicide note or explained to friends, family members the reason for their suicide. There are reportedly about 15 and 25 reported incidents of bullying suicide statistics reported each year. However, there may be substantially more than that, but it difficult to pinpoint bullying as the primary cause of the suicide. Many instances of bullycide also go unreported and are simply reported as regular case of suicide. 

Bullying suicide statistics:

  • About 42 percent of kids have been bullied while online with one in four being verbally attacked more than once.
  • There are about 35 percent of kids who have been threatened online.
  • About 58 percent of kids and teens have reported malicious name calling, rumors, or slanderous comments have been made about them behind their back, to their face or directed at them online.
  • Other bullying suicide statistics show that about 77 percent of students have admitted to being the victim of one type of bullying or another.
  • The American Justice Department bullying suicide statistics show that one out of ever 4 kids will be bullied sometime throughout their adolescence. 
  • 46 percent of males and about 26 percent of females have admitted to being victims in physical fights as reported in one report of bullying suicide statistics by the Bureau of Justice School.

Out of all of these bullying numbers, more and more incidents are ending in cases of bullycide where the teen or child takes their life because they cannot handle the bullying anymore. This often occurs at school, after school and online and is in the form of verbal abuse, teasing, name calling, cyberbullying, physical acts of violence, theft and damaged belongings. All of these forms of bullying have been known to be a cause of bullying suicide among children and teens. That is why it is important for parents to see the signs of bullying early before it gets too late and results in a case of bullycide with their own teen.

How to prevent bullying suicide or bullycide:

It is best to to whatever it takes to prevent these numbers of bullying suicide statistics from continuing to rise. There are more and more incidents being reported in the media, and it is time to end the bullying trend before it claims more lives. If your child or teen is being bullied they may exhibit symptoms of withdrawal, depression and anxiety. If they have missing or damaged items, physical bruises and other outward signs of abuse, these are apparent signs of bullying. Other signs of bullying include:

  • Has change in eating habits
  • Makes excuses not to go to school
  • Has fewer friends
  • Feels helpless
  • Talks about suicide
  • Acts out of character
  • Avoids certain places or playing outside alone
  • Feels like they are not good enough
  • Has trouble sleeping
  • Blames themselves for their problems 


If your child is showing any of these signs, communicate with them. Talk to them about what is happening with them. Make sure they know and understand they can always come to you for help. If the incidents are happening while at school or on the school property, talk to a school administrator or the teacher to get additional help in keeping your child safe. Remember there are different types of bullies from males, females and even adults or authority figures. Be sure to write down every single incident and don’t be afraid to file criminal charges against the offender if the school fails to help resolve the bullying problem. Encourage your child to develop deep and lasting friendships with others. Being a loner or shying away from friends can make your child a target for bullying attacks. Do everything you can to help your child’s self esteem. If they are able to increase their confidence, they are less likely to fall victim of bullying. All of these ways are helpful in working to prevent bullying suicide statistics from climbing. Prevention is the best way to prevent suicide or bullycide. 

Sources: coastkid.org, bullyaware.org/whatisbullycide.htm