Depression in College Students Statistics

The depression in college students statistics indicate at least one out of every five college students have some sort of mental illness. These depression in college students statistics show that suicide and depression can be a serious problem for college students.

There are a few ideas as to why there is such a problem with depression in college students. According to recent depression in college students statistics, about 19 percent of young people contemplate or attempt suicide each year. These numbers are alarmingly high, according to mental health professionals. What can be done to stop this problem or prevent the severity of depression experienced by thousands of college students each year? Keep reading to learn more about the depression in college students statistics and how to prevent this issue from getting worse.

Depression in college students statistics:

  • According to recent statistics, suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens and adults ages 14 to 24, and is the second leading cause of death in college students ages 20 to 24.
  • 44 percent of Americans never report their symptoms or experiences with depression
  • With about four out of five college students, signs of depression or potential suicidal tendencies are evident prior to committing suicide or attempting to commit suicide.
  • Teens and young adults with depression are five times as more likely to try and commit suicide in comparison to adults with depression.

Based on these startling high college student statistics regarding the number of students with depression issues, it is important to address this problem before it starts or at least with the earliest warning signs. By avoiding the symptoms of depression, the person who is suffering will be that much more likely to do something drastic whether that is commit suicide or perhaps even homicide. Depression is a serious issue. These are the signs to help you recognize if you or a loved one has depression:

  • Prolonged feelings of sadness
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too long/much
  • Appetite problems (eat too much/too little)
  • Loss of interest in hobbies and other activities
  • Loss of libido
  • Self-esteem troubles
  • Thoughts of suicide or other drastic measures
  • Irritability or bouts of excessive crying
  • Chronic aches and pain that cannot be explained medically
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

Knowing and understanding these symptoms may help you to be able to recognize if you have depression or if a friend or loved one might be suffering from depression issues. There are several reasons that can cause depression especially in college age adults. There are so many new issues and stressors in college that can be a direct or contributing cause to depression including, greater academic demands, being on your own in a new environment sans that familial support, changes in family relations, financial responsibilities, changes in your personal or social life, exposures to a variety of new people, idea and temptations, awareness of your sexual identity and orientation as well as preparing for life in the “real world” after graduation. These are all factors that could play a role in a person suffering from depression. There are also psychological and biological issues that can contribute to a person’s likelihood of becoming depressed. Many of these other factors may just set off those reactors leaving you feeling depressed and unable to cope with  your new life as a college student.

Depression in college students prevention and treatment:

Fortunately for college students there are many resources you can find to help you cope with these stresses. Be sure to not take on more than you can handle and learn time management skills. These are two elements that can practically safe your life or at least prevent depression from potentially becoming a problem for a college student. If you find yourself already suffering from depression and don’t know what to do be sure to seek help immediately. Talk to your parents, friends as well as school counselor for help. Dealing with your depression may possibly require you to take some time off college or taking classes for a short period of time until you are able to get your emotional stability back. This may require counseling, support group assistance or even taking antidepressants. Do your best to get help as soon as you see a problem coming. Also, do your best to set realistic goals for yourself during college to help you not get as overwhelmed.
