Get Help for Teen Depression

Seeking help for teen depression is the first step in overcoming many problems associated with adolescent depression. So you know someone that is suffering from adolescent depression. What do you do now? Keep reading for tips on seeking help with teen depression.

If you have a family member or friend that suffers from teenage depression. Please seek help immediately.

Do not wait for them to come to you. Go talk to them and find out if they are having problems at home, school, or work.  The best thing you can do is get them to a local therapist to get a proper diagnosis.

All to often we here stories of childhood depression let go too long until the teen falls into problems with the law, drugs, and alcohol.

If the teenager you know speaks of dying, gives away personal belongings, or is fascinated by death please contact a local therapist or suicide help line ASAP. These are warning signs of suicide attempts.  If this person is threatening suicide call 800-SUICIDE (784-2433) or 877-YOUTHLINE(968-8454)

Do not wait for help.  There are plenty of residential treatment centers for troubled youth, drug rehab, and other specialty private schools to assist troubled teens.